Hi there! Yesterday was a busy busy day so I'm making this week Sundays with Jen! I've got another edition of 1+1=3. I wanted to do something a little spooky halloween-ish today, but I wanted it to be funky and unique too. I think I accomplished that, lol. It's a little, uh....different. But, I hope you'll like it.
Today I took Dani's kits Sweet Little Monster and Cuppycake, mashed them together and came up with Pretty Little Monster (that's what I'm calling it anyway). As always, you can find both kits in Dani's store at SBB. Here is the first kit, Sweet Little Monster.
And the second kit, Cuppycake.
We take 1+1 and voila! We get 3 kits to work with!
Funky, right? And here's a layout I did with this one - no pictures because I didn't really have any. But, imagine it kind of like a QP and you get the idea! Note that I recolored some of the tree leaves to fit the color scheme. Easy to do :) I also used a template from Decorative Click and Fill by CM.
Thanks for tuning in!